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A complete Learning & Development plan for procurement practitioners post-Covid

28th February 2021, by Jonathan Dutton FCIPS

New PASA white-paper now available

– “How to craft your essential post-Covid Procurement Capability Development Plan

This free new PASA white-paper explains succinctly, and exactly HOW, to develop your procurement Learning & Development plan for 2021 and beyond. Training and capability enhancement efforts have never been more needed for procurement practitioners as the demands placed upon Procurement and supply side management have continued to grow - and now increased exponentially during the pandemic.

This PASA white-paper draws upon solutions that are time-tested including on the question of MCIPS and assessed training plus development planning & 70/20/10 approaches, yet also answer the dilemmas posed in the results of the recent PASA L&D Survey of December 2020 – including why 95% CPOs have no cohesive L&D plan for their team!

The survey also revealed that Covid has altered procurement training needs, that most teams had not changed their training budget or time available for training during Covid, that 90% procurement people didn’t mind training online, the vast majority want participative training approaches but over one-third still liked good old PowerPoint.

A summary article, linked below, explains all the results of the full survey of December 2020 and also highlights the changes procurement practitioners have experienced (both the obvious & not so obvious) since they have been largely working from home:


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